All Classes and Interfaces

Represents the effective set of flags, owners, and members for a given spatial query.
Utility methods to deal with associables.
Indicates the level of membership.
A boolean flag.
An object that keeps track of a dirty flag that is set to true when changes are made to this object.
Interface for chest protection.
Maintains a hash table for each chunk containing a list of regions that are contained within that chunk, allowing for fast spatial lookup.
A factory for instances of ChunkHashCache.
Checks whether a command is permitted with support for subcommands split by \s (regular expressions).
Builder class for CommandFilter.
Stores a command/
Command-related utility methods.
An implementation of a region index that supports concurrent access.
Represents the global configuration and also delegates configuration for individual worlds.
Describes a data source.
A combination of a PlayerDomain and a GroupDomain.
Determines that the association to a region is OWNER if the input region is in a set of source regions.
Thrown when a partial save is not supported.
Stores region data in a {root_dir}/{id}/{filename} pattern on disk using YamlRegionFile.
A domain contains a list of memberships.
Resolves input for a domain (i.e.
The policy for locating users.
Stores doubles.
Handles migration from one region store driver to another.
An enumeration of supported drivers.
replaced by RegistryFlag<>, will be removed in WorldGuard 8
EnumFlag<T extends Enum<T>>
Stores an enum value.
Helper methods for enums.
Provides additional executors.
A region set that is to be used when region data has failed.
A flag carries extra data on a region.
Keeps track of registered flags.
The flags that are used in WorldGuard.
Calculates the value of a flag given a list of regions and an optional global region.
Describes the membership result from FlagValueCalculator.getMembership(RegionAssociable).
replaced by RegistryFlag<>, will be removed in WorldGuard 8
A special region that is not quite "anywhere" (its volume is 0, it contains no positions, and it does not intersect with any other region).
Contains groups in a domain.
Stores session data and possibly acts on it.
An index that stores regions in a hash map, which allows for fast lookup by ID but O(n) performance for spatial queries.
A factory for new instances using this index.
Stores an integer.
Interface for loggers for the blacklist.
Sends all logger messages to a player.
Stores a key value map of typed Flags.
Math-related utilities.
A region database that saves the memory to an in-memory HashSet.
An object that migrates region data.
Thrown when a migration fails.
Types of movements.
Normal names are strings that are considered equal after they have been normalized using Unicode's NFC form and made lowercase.
Sorts a list of regions so that higher priority regions always take precedence over lower priority ones, and after sorting by priority, so child regions always take priority over their parent regions.
Stores an Number.
A virtual region result set that is highly permissive, considering everyone a member.
Stores players (only) in a domain.
An implementation of an index that uses HashMapIndex for queries by region name and a priority R-tree for spatial queries.
A factory for new instances using this index.
Represents a cuboid region that can be protected.
Represents a region that can be indexed and have spatial queries performed against it.
Thrown when setting a parent would create a circular inheritance situation.
Keeps a cache of RegionResultSets.
Creates a new region.
An object that can have membership in a region.
A consumer predicate that adds regions to a collection.
Implements the /region commands for WorldGuard.
A region container creates RegionManagers for loaded worlds, which allows access to the region data of a world.
Manages different RegionManagers for different worlds or dimensions.
A region database stores a set of regions for a single world.
This class provides utility methods that may be helpful in the implementation of region databases.
Describes the difference in region data.
A driver manages RegionDatabases for several worlds.
A grouping of region membership types.
Stores a region group.
An index of regions to allow for fast lookups of regions by their ID and through spatial queries.
A region manager holds the regions for a world.
Determines that the association to a region is OWNER if the input region is in a set of source regions.
Used for querying region-related permissions.
Create a region printout, as used in /region info to show information about a region.
This object allows easy spatial queries involving region data for the purpose of implementing protection / region flag checks.
Options for constructing a region set via RegionQuery.getApplicableRegions(Location, QueryOption) for example.
Removes a region.
Reports on a region.
An implementation that calculates flags using a list of regions.
An enum of supported region types.
RegistryFlag<T extends com.sk89q.worldedit.registry.Keyed>
Determines the strategy regarding child regions when regions are removed from a RegionIndex.
Keeps session information on a player.
Stores a set of types.
Sign-based chest protection.
Stores regions using a JDBC connection with support for SQL.
Stores a bi-state value.
Exceptions related to region stores inherit from this exception.
Stores a string.
A target is something that can have events attached to it.
Matches a Target.
Stores a timestamp.
Thrown when there are unresolved names.
Migrates names to UUIDs for all the worlds in a region store.
Stores a vector.
replaced by RegistryFlag<>, will be removed in WorldGuard 8
Holds the configuration for individual worlds.
A helper class to convert regions from WorldGuard to WorldEdit
A platform for implementing.
A store that persists regions in a YAML-encoded file.