Class BlockTypeMask

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BlockTypeMask extends AbstractExtentMask
A mask that checks whether blocks at the given positions are matched by a block in a list.

This mask checks for ONLY the block type. If state should also be checked, use BlockMask.

  • Constructor Details

    • BlockTypeMask

      public BlockTypeMask(Extent extent, Collection<BlockType> blocks)
      Create a new block mask.
      extent - the extent
      blocks - a list of blocks to match
    • BlockTypeMask

      public BlockTypeMask(Extent extent, BlockType... block)
      Create a new block mask.
      extent - the extent
      block - an array of blocks to match
  • Method Details

    • add

      public void add(Collection<BlockType> blocks)
      Add the given blocks to the list of criteria.
      blocks - a list of blocks
    • add

      public void add(BlockType... block)
      Add the given blocks to the list of criteria.
      block - an array of blocks
    • getBlocks

      public Collection<BlockType> getBlocks()
      Get the list of blocks that are tested with.
      a list of blocks
    • test

      public boolean test(BlockVector3 vector)
      Description copied from interface: Mask
      Returns true if the criteria is met.
      vector - the vector to test
      true if the criteria is met
    • toMask2D

      @Nullable public Mask2D toMask2D()
      Description copied from interface: Mask
      Get the 2D version of this mask if one exists.
      a 2D mask version or null if this mask can't be 2D