Class GeneralCommands


public class GeneralCommands extends Object
General WorldEdit commands.
  • Constructor Details

    • GeneralCommands

      public GeneralCommands(WorldEdit worldEdit)
      Create a new instance.
      worldEdit - reference to WorldEdit
  • Method Details

    • register

      public static void register(CommandRegistrationHandler registration, org.enginehub.piston.CommandManager commandManager, org.enginehub.piston.CommandManagerService commandManagerService, WorldEdit worldEdit)
    • limit

      public void limit(Actor actor, LocalSession session, @Arg(desc="The limit to set",def="") Integer limit)
    • timeout

      public void timeout(Actor actor, LocalSession session, @Arg(desc="The timeout time to set",def="") Integer limit)
    • reorderMode

      public void reorderMode(Actor actor, LocalSession session, @Arg(desc="The reorder mode",def="") EditSession.ReorderMode reorderMode)
    • drawSelection

      public void drawSelection(Player player, LocalSession session, @Arg(desc="The new draw selection state",def="") Boolean drawSelection) throws WorldEditException
    • world

      public void world(Actor actor, LocalSession session, @Arg(desc="The world override",def="") World world)
    • watchdog

      public void watchdog(Actor actor, LocalSession session, @Arg(desc="The mode to set the watchdog hook to",def="") HookMode hookMode)
    • gmask

      public void gmask(Actor actor, LocalSession session, @Arg(desc="The mask to set",def="") Mask mask)
    • togglePlace

      public void togglePlace(Actor actor, LocalSession session)
    • searchItem

      public void searchItem(Actor actor, @Switch(name='b',desc="Only search for blocks") boolean blocksOnly, @Switch(name='i',desc="Only search for items") boolean itemsOnly, @ArgFlag(name='p',desc="Page of results to return",def="1") int page, @Arg(desc="Search query",variable=true) List<String> query)